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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
Lankapura Sariputta Thero
The monk who thinks out of the box
One day my sister said, "Nangi, I met a very peculiar monk. He teaches an even peculiar method of meditation, which when practised, makes one new' and she forced down the meditation method down my throat, to my utter dismay, for I was one who had been frustrated by practising the various methods of meditation which the modern meditation masters of the country proclaim to be leading to Nibbana.
With the greatest reluctance I started practising this 'peculiar' method of meditation of this peculiar monk. For sure, after every hour of meditation I became new and new and new. So, after nine hours of meditation, I thought of actually seeing this monk with my own eyes.
So I made the trip to Malabe with my sister and brother-in-law, for a meditation session with this monk. We reached no. 479, Bodhiya Road, Talahena, Malabe, by 8 O' clock. After signing the register we sat on the mats on the floor, cross legged.
There he sat, Sri Lankapura Sariputta Thera. He is a very unassuming monk with an air of light-heartedness and strength. He teaches this peculiar method of meditation after paying obeisance to the three Jewels.
He makes the devotees practise this method of meditation for one hour, and then gives a Dhamma talk. What fascinated me was the originality and the truth embedded in the Dhamma talk. After the Dhamma talk everyone gets a cup of 'plain' tea, and again the Dhamma talk continues.
At 12 noon, its time for 'dane'. Everyone partakes of a delicious meal distributed free of charge and at 1 O' clock the Dhamma discussion begins. After the Dhamma discussion, there is another hour of meditation and at 3 O' clock everyone gets the afternoon cup of tea, free of course.
After tea some of the devotees leave and some stay on for further clarification of the Dhamma. He is a very unorthodox monk who gives the key to Nibbana right away. you only have to practise diligently.