Friday, November 30, 2007

Best Pirith Chanting

One of my friend told me about this pirith chanting. At that time I was searching for this pirith chanting and amazed once I heard that I could download it though web. This is best Pirith chanting I have ever heard. Small boy called Dhammaruwan around two years of age did this chanting and his adopted and devoted Buddhist foster father did the recording. as the site says this chanting was done in original pali language , known only to a few scholar monks

1.Dhammachakka Suthra
2. Girimananda Suthra
3. Bhojjhanga Piritha
4.Maha Mangala, Rathana & Mettha Suthra

site :

Monday, May 28, 2007

A Spiritual Biography

Venerable Ãcariya Mun Bhýridatta Thera is a towering figure in contemporary Thai Buddhism. He was widely revered and respected during his lifetime for the extraordinary courage and determination he displayed in practicing the ascetic way of life and for his uncompromising strictness in teaching his many disciples. During the 50 years since his death, he has assumed an exalted status in Buddhist circles and thus remains an overshadowing presence whose life and teachings have become synonymous with the Buddha’s noble quest for self-transformation.

After reading biography of Ãcariya Mun Bhýridatta Thera I felt like Acariya thero has attained nibbana (Arashathship). So I will publish the URL to free e-book here.

Free e-book can be found at

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This is another Quality site with very rare Dhamma Audio Sermons. Sermons of Ven. Na Uyane Ariyadhamma Maha Thero are there.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Some pic of Sharmadana

Sharmadana at Abayagiri Stupa


Rising to a height of about 320 feet, this is one of the most significant Buddhist monuments. Constructed by King Vattagamani Abhaya (Walagamba) in the 1st century BC, this is the second largest stupa in the world. The relics of the Buddha are said to have been enshrined in a figure of a bull made out of thick gold.

I got a chance to participate for a sharmadana at Abayagiri Stupa which I believe one of the unforgettable experiences of my life. Around 150 people were there in our team and the organizer name is “Janith”. IFS and some other companies were sponsored for this event.

People belong to different Religions such as Buddhist, Islam and Hindu were worked at there for this “SharmaDana”. What a difference. All of them are volunteer workers they worked not for money or anything. I felt that merit we have done by participating for this event is immeasurable.

Central Cultural Fund is giving support for this huge project. But that contribution is not enough since this project is not under government sponsorship. They need our help to carry out this project and make it successful.

This project is under need of human power (labor effort) and row materials like (Hubas meti, hunu, dahaiya, aguru). So anyone interested can give their support to this project by arranging sharmadana or giving funds/row materials for project.

I will post the contact numbers of responsible parties’ latter.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Barmiyan Buddha Replica At Pereliya

Pereliya was the place where 1000 of people got killed inside a train because of tsunami. Great to see that Barmiay buddha Replica at pereliya.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

great site about buddhism

I found a very interesting site about buddhism.