Venerable Ãcariya Mun Bhýridatta Thera is a towering figure in contemporary Thai Buddhism. He was widely revered and respected during his lifetime for the extraordinary courage and determination he displayed in practicing the ascetic way of life and for his uncompromising strictness in teaching his many disciples. During the 50 years since his death, he has assumed an exalted status in Buddhist circles and thus remains an overshadowing presence whose life and teachings have become synonymous with the Buddha’s noble quest for self-transformation.
After reading biography of Ãcariya Mun Bhýridatta Thera I felt like Acariya thero has attained nibbana (Arashathship). So I will publish the URL to free e-book here.
Free e-book can be found at http://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/munbio_photos.pdf
Interesting to know.
i also read a spiritual biography of Mun Buridatta thero,
i think it help us to understand the nature of Arant, and good guid for all who like to true buddhist.
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