Some of my blog visitors are landed for searching "
Dhammaruwan story" on Google. Couple of month ago I published some
pirith files chanted by Dhammarunwan (from www.prith.org). But I didn't do much search for Dhammaruwan on the internet before publishing the pirith chanting files.Finally because of the curiosity I searched the web for keyword "Dhammaruwan story" and found the nice story behind him. Please visit following links if you are interesting to read about him and his current life.
Where is Dhammaruwan now? So many are curios and they are followers of Buddhism, who wish to know with the intention of learning more.
Thank you,
i also curios to know about this dhammaruwan........ plz if some one knows anything let us know as well.
he is in Sri Lanka continuing meditation. I fond details on the web.
You can find more details about Dhammaaruwan from http://www.nirodhatrust.org
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