With the growing number of meditation enthusiasts seeking retreat time at Nissarana wanaya there is an accute need for a more spacious facility. A new building is proposed to be constructed at the same location of the Nissarana Wanaya Monastery.
We are constructing large meditation and accommodation halls with new kitchen, office ,toilet facilities, pindapatha hall, about 24000 sq ft in all and 2 storeys in height. We estimate up to 40 female meditators can live and meditate once completed . The location is at Meethirigala at the foothill of the aranya on the border of the aranya. The males will have facilities within the aranya for meditation long term. The kitchen and toilet facilities will replace the existing 40 year old dilapidated facilities used by the daily dana dayaka’s preparing dana.
The estimated project cost is Rs 30 mn out of which Rs 12 mn is already raised by Australian, New Zealand and UK dayaka’s. The basic stucture (including roof, windows and doors, lighting and water ) can be done for about Rs 20 mn and the balance completed slowly, as the Kitchen and toilets can then be used.
Construction has started on phase 1, the first half of the project and about Rs 3mn worth work done. The first floor slab will be in place by mid July. It has taken about 3 years to get to this stage.
The Meethirigala Nissarana Vanaya is a charitable institute approved by the government, gazette no 344 of 3/4/85 registration no A.C. 1082 Date 10.07.86. Its one of the oldest aranys in the country. Its core belief of “Nirvana in this very life” under the guidance of the burmese trained multi lingual and highly accomplished meditation master, Ven Dhammajeeva, makes it one of the most unique in the country. All donations are entitled to income tax relief in Sri Lanka.
The donation cheques or money orders should be
payable to Meetirigala Nissarana Vanaya,
Account no 002960002914 Sampath Bank, Colombo 2 ,
payble to Meetirigala Nissarana Vanaya Sanrakshana Mandalaya.
Since this is a great meritorious act close to the heart of Ven Dhammajeeva and since this will benefit male and female lay meditators like yourself facilitating long term comfortable retreats away from the hustle and bustle, your kind assistence is very much encouraged. This can be done in memory of a departed parent or loved one as a transfer of merit on their death anniversary or in place of celebration of ones birthday.
As a past president of the aranya arakshana committee Duleep Mahatantila humbly invites you to participate in this great meritorious act and to encourage other like minded benevalent friends to participate too.
Please phone +94-60 – 233 9193 or E-mail duleepmahatantila@yahoo.com or nissaranavana@wow.lk for further details.
If you would like to Talk to Venerable Swamin wahanse call between 7.00 PM – 8.00PM Sri Lanka time to +94-33-4921135. Please refrain from calling this number during other times. May you be well
Read more about Nissarana wanaya from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissarana_Vanaya
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